| Constellations | | Across | | | 3. | | The Big Dipper is part of this constellation. | | | 4. | | 'The Twins', its brightest stars are Castor and Pollux. | | | 5. | | 'The Hunter', it is one of the most easily recognizable constellations. | | | 6. | | The mythological hero who slew Medusa. | | | 7. | | 'The Archer', its brightest stars form a shape that looks like a teapot. | | | 8. | | Contains Polaris, the North Star. | | | 9. | | The name of its brightest star, Antares, means 'the rival of Mars'. | |
| | Down | | | 1. | | 'The Bull', it contains a star cluster known as the Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades. | | | 2. | | The brightest stars in this constellation form an 'M' or a 'W'. | | | 6. | | The winged horse belonging to 6 across. | |
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