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Frostbite Theater

Let's Make Oobleck!

I bleck, you bleck, we all bleck for Oobleck! Just in time for Halloween! Joanna and Steve show you how to make your very own version of the slimy, green material described in Dr. Seuss' Bartholomew and the Oobleck!

Announcer: Frostbite Theater presents... Cold Cuts! No baloney!

Joanna and Steve: Just science!

Joanna: Hi! I'm Joanna!

Steve: And I'm Steve!

Joanna: If you've read Doctor Seuss' 'Bartholomew and the Oobleck', then you're familiar with the slimy green stuff that falls from the sky in the Kingdom of Didd. Today, we're going to make something that's just like Doctor Seuss' Oobleck!

Steve: The first thing you're going to need is some glue. We're using Elmer's Glue All, but any glue based on polyvinyl acetate should work just as well.

You'll need to make a 50/50 glue-water mix. And, today, we're only going to use about 60 milliliters of that solution. It's just as easy to make a larger batch if you can store the excess.

Joanna: The next thing that you're going to need is Borax. Look for it where you'd find laundry soaps and detergents, but make sure that you get Borax. The good news is, that once you find it, you're set for a really long time because this is going to be way more Borax than you're going to need!

Add 15 milliliters of Borax to 250 milliliters of water and mix well. It's okay if all of the Borax doesn't dissolve.

Steve: Add 30 milliliters of the glue-water solution and 10 milliliters of the Borax solution into a zip-lock bag.

For those of you who prefer using tablespoons and teaspoons, that's 2 tablespoons of the glue and 2 teaspoons of the borax.

Joanna: If you want your Oobleck to be green like it is in the story, add a couple of drops of green food coloring.

Seal the bag and knead the ingredients together for about two minutes.

Steve: You'll end up with something that looks like this.

If your Oobleck is stuck all over the inside of the bag, inflating the bag a little bit with air will help you collect it into one nice blob.

Joanna: Now, it's time to play!

It's a good idea to keep this away from pets and your younger brothers and sisters that might try to eat it. It's also a good idea to keep this off of your clothes and other fabrics because it will stain them. And, of course, make sure that you wash your hands after you're done using it.

Thanks for watching! I hope you'll join us again soon for another experiment!

Steve: So, you know, someone's going to want us to put this into liquid nitrogen...

Joanna: Yeah, you're probably right. Well, another time...

Steve: Another time...

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