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Frostbite Theater

March Microscope Madness! (Week 4 - 2015)

Announcer: Frostbite Theater presents... Cold Cuts! No baloney!

Joanna and Steve: Just science!

Joanna: Hi! I'm Joanna!

Steve: And I'm Steve!

Joanna: And this is week four of March Microscope Madness!

We're about to reveal the answers from last week's video, so if you haven't watched it, you might want to go back and watch it now.

Steve: Otherwise...

Image one. This is a mixture of salt and sugar. The salt crystals are the ones that are more cubic and translucent, and the sugar ones are the ones that are more blob-like and opaque.

Joanna: Image two... a baseball! You can kind of see the stitching on the left side of the image.

Steve: And, image three. This is the side view of a quarter.

Joanna: Alright! If you're ready for your next three images, here they are!

Image one, taken at a magnification of thirty five.

Steve: Image two, also taken at a magnification of thirty five.

Joanna: Image three, taken at a magnification of two thousand.

Steve: Two thousand?! Wow.

Joanna: Okay! Give us your guesses and suggestions in the comments, and join us again next week for your answers and your final three images!

Steve: Call it!

Joanna: Heads.

Steve: Ah! You lose!

Joanna: Ahhhhhh!

Steve: Ah, we all lose!


Steve: The lights... Bye!

Joanna: Bye!

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