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Jefferson Lab Site Tour

Experimental Hall B - Large Acceptance Spectrometer

Experimental Hall B - Large Acceptance Spectrometer

Hall B, which is only 100 feet across, is the smallest of the three experimental halls. The detector in Hall B is very different than the ones found in the other two halls. This detector is shaped like a large beach ball. The target sits right in the very center of the ball and the scientists see what is going on all around the target at one time. The metal 'fins' are large electromagnets, and the detectors will be put between and around them. Those detectors are still being built in the EEL building and at universities.

This tour reflects Jefferson Lab as it was in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In particular, this predates the 12 GeV upgrade and the addition of Hall D. For a modern look at the Lab, please see the Jeffeson Lab Virtual Tour.

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For questions about this page, please contact Carol McKisson.