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Undergraduate Research at Jefferson Lab

Crab Cavity Electric Center Survey by Laser Scanner

Student: Jacob Chaney

School: Tidewater Community College

Mentored By: Haipeng Wang

Accelerators align the beam axis and cavity's electric centers to accelerate particles. Wire stretching uses a wire stretched through the cavity to measure the electric center line relative to the beam axis. This center line is the ideal path for the beam. My part of this project effort is to use the FARO laser scanner to measure the wire position and translate the electric center coordinates to the cavity alignment target. We used Geomagic program to align the CAD model to real cavity Geometry with the stretched wire. It was show that the electric center can be surveyed and compared to the mechanical center. This technique suggests that once mapped the electric center of cavity's could be aligned with other electric centers.

Crab Cavity Electric Center Survey by Laser Scanner

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