Undergraduate Research at Jefferson Lab
Finite Volume Amplitudes of Two-Body Scattering Interactions with a Light Particle Exchange
Student: Samantha Goldberg
School: The University of Texas at Austin
Mentored By: Raúl Briceño
Implementing a lattice model (Lattice QCD) is a non-perturbative approach to indirectly measuring observables in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). We place these particles in a finite box, with slightly different properties than space-time. The Luescher formalism allows one to solve for the spectrum of scattering interactions within a finite, space-like cubic volume with periodic boundary conditions. One issue that remains to be accounted for is the Luescher formalism’s inability to calculate information about certain scattering processes due to singularities in the scattering amplitude that occur. One such interaction is a two-particle scattering process where a light particle is exchanged. We aim to test already existing strategies and develop new methods for finding observables for two-body scattering with a light particle exchange using the Luescher formalism.
[Watch the presentation on YouTube]

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