Undergraduate Research at Jefferson Lab
Formulation of a Numerical Framework to Analyze Jet Substructures for the EIC
Student: Alexis NieMiera
School: University of North Texas
Mentored By: Nobuo Sato and Felix Ringer
Physics opportunities for jets and jet substructures in hadron studies at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is a current area of interest that remains open to exploration. Jet substructures, internal observables within the collimated spray of color-neutral hadrons, allow the time scale of hadronization to be studied back to the parent parton, and by detecting the scattered electron in coincidence with the jet, increased sensitivity to hadron structure is unlocked through the additional phase space of the scattered electron. This research considers jets from electron-proton Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) collisions and takes crucial steps to formulate a numerical framework to analyze jet substructures at the Next-to-Leading Order (NLO) for impact studies on hadron structure and hadronization at the EIC.

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