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Jefferson Lab Site Tour

Experimental Equipment Lab - Calorimeter Assembly Area

Experimental Equipment Lab - Calorimeter Assembly Area

A calorimeter is a device that helps scientists measure the energy of a particle. This triangular section is layered with sheets of lead and plastic. The lead is heavy and dense, so the particles have a hard time going through it. Scientists can tell how much energy a particle had by seeing how much lead it took to stop it. The plastic gives off a flash of light when a particle goes through it. The scientists can tell how much lead it took to stop the particle by counting how many layers of plastic flashed. A complete section weighs several tons and will be installed in Hall B behind a set of drift chambers.

This tour reflects Jefferson Lab as it was in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In particular, this predates the 12 GeV upgrade and the addition of Hall D. For a modern look at the Lab, please see the Jeffeson Lab Virtual Tour.

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For questions about this page, please contact Carol McKisson.