Undergraduate Research at Jefferson Lab
Multidimensional Studies of the Proton Fragmentations in the ep→epX Reaction with CLAS12
Student: Hannah Valenty
School: Duquesne University
Mentored By: Fatiha Benmokhtar and Harut Avakian
To study the structure of the proton, the method of Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) can be employed. The SIDIS process shoots an electron beam at a proton target, creating particle jets. Scattered electrons and an ejected hadron are detected in coincidence. For this study the channel of interest is ep → e'p' + X. This was the first time Single Spin Asymmetries (SSAs) were measured with high statistics for various kinematic variables in the process of proton electro-production at Jefferson Lab. Additionally, a comparison between raw and normalized asymmetries was produced along with bin migration study verification. This study lays the foundation to continue the multi-dimensional analysis of the proton with other kinematic variables.

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