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Jefferson Lab's Workbench Projects

Base Preparation

  1. Obtain a clear, transparent acrylic sheet from your local plastics dealer. The sheet should be 1/8 inch thick, 93/4 inches long and 75/8 inches wide.
  2. Use the drill pattern found in Appendix A to drill the appropriate holes in the acrylic sheet. Care should be taken while drilling as acrylic is a relatively brittle material and is easily cracked.

Holes for the coil, legs and banana plug panel mounts have been drilled in the acrylic sheet.

Holes for the coil, legs and banana plug panel mounts have been drilled in the acrylic sheet.

  1. The base is now ready. Remove any protective paper covering the acrylic sheet prior to final assembly.

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For questions about this page, please contact Carol McKisson.