Undergraduate Research at Jefferson Lab
Pansophy Sample Tracking System
Student: Enqian Zheng
School: Pasadena City College
Mentored By: Dr. Valerie Bookwalter
As the development and construction of Accelerator project, we need a well-established platform which has a high technical performances and manage a thousands of data for experiments. Therefore, a platform or system is established at Jefferson Lab called Pansophy System, an engineering data management system where we can keep track of and control a large pool of data Therefore, in order to support this system in data collection and analysis, SamTraxs, is being designed and implemented and help manage database and insert or display the records. The software supported is an information system which is a critical element in Project’s Quality Assurance program and is the prime data collection and retrieval product utilizing web construction. It’s being designed and implemented to support the R&D group’s efforts which is the SamTraxs System in data collection and analysis.
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